Dogging Tips and Advice

So you’re interested in dogging? Take comfort in knowing you are not alone. There are thousands and thousands of people who crave the excitement and thrill of dogging. For those of you who are new to dogging, you to know the 101 on dogging meets and what is dogging all about.

Dogging is when you have sex in unusual places. You’re not into conventional hotel room sex or bedroom sex. You don’t want to be contained in one place but rather crave to explore areas where there is a big risk of getting caught or seen performing. If are into dogging, you might want to check out online sites like Dogging After Dark.

Finding your potential dogging partner is easy online. Instead of going out every night at the park to check who’s available for dogging, you can meet up with someone who’s into dogging from internet sites. It will save you a good deal of time and effort. Traditionally, dogging meets are done at the park. You look for a car at night and approach the drive’s side of the car. If the window opens more, it’s your go signal to talk to the person if he or she is game for some randy night of action. This is not as easy as it sounds. Sometimes, there may be very few doggers in the night to entertain yourself with. There is also a risk you’ll run into some cops. That’s why I strongly suggest you hookup other doggers online.

Find someone you’re interested with online. Most doggers have sites and wall pages with attractive and alluring pictures. You can message that person up and see if he or she is interested in a dogging meet. If the dogger is game, you would have to talk about particulars like when and where.

It’s very important that you inform someone of where you’re going or who you’re going out with. You can also give the estimated time you’ll be home just to be safe. You might end up having a dogging meet with some very sadistic date.

Before heading out to your meet up place, always carry a pack of condoms with you. This is your security. While contraceptive pills and other forms of contraception prevent pregnancies, they don’t really do anything to prevent STDs and AIDS from infecting you. Even if you’re a woman, take the initiative to protect yourself from diseases. Play it safe and keep your sack session hot and steamy. Avoid worries like STDs by bringing a rubber on. Don’t settle for one, you might want another go after.

Do you want to make your dogging meet extra kinky? Wear exciting and kinky lingerie that’s easy to take off. You can also do without lingerie if you want. It’s really up to you. Since you’ll be doing it outdoors where it’s rough and steamy, make sure you’re wearing clothes that give easy access for your interlude. Wear short skirts that don’t require much fumbling. Just familiarized yourself with the 101 on dogging meets and you’ll be a pro in no time! Enjoy!

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british doggers having sex in a car

Do you feel like you are a lot more sexually active than most people? Most people think of the sexual experience in a conventional sense where a bed and privacy is a must. There are others who feel that the sexual experience should be exciting, stimulating and yes, a little bit extreme. If you are one of the latter, you should definitely visit online sites like dogging UK sites. Those sites will tell you how to find British doggers online.

British doggers are gaining popularity not only in the UK but also in countries like Canada, New Zealand and in the US. There is just something sexually exciting and arousing about doing your thing in places where people can see you or catch you. Doggers are not only for people who are looking for common places to have sex. British doggers can also derive pleasure from voyeurism from people who are having sex too.

This level of sexual preference is common but only a few people actually live up the fantasy. Online sites can help you find other British doggers who are interested for those interludes. You don’t have to force anybody to fulfill your desires. Online sites have plenty of British doggers you can chat freely with. Personally, I suggest you get to know the person a little bit more first before opting to meet up with him or her outside the chat room. It’s basically for safety reasons. You really don’t want to date a creep who has a serial killer fantasy.

pack of condoms for dogging session

When you do decide to meet up with a British dogger, do inform someone of your whereabouts and who you’re going out with. List it all in on paper and include the time you should be expected home. This is all done for your protection. Before leaving the house, try to stop over a convenience store to buy a pack of condoms. Make sure you buy more than 1 piece. You might need more than one if you’re planning on a busy night ahead of you. Even if you’re a woman, always bring condom with you for protection. STD is never sexy. Find a good gynecologist you can trust too. She can help you protect yourself more by giving you tips or encouraging you (woman) to take a cervical cancer vaccine. Multiple sex partners can lead to inflammation of the inner uterine lining or make your more prone to cervical cancer.

I have to warn you though, British doggers and their sexual preferences is not for everybody. You should be prepared mentally and emotionally for it. You have to know what you’re getting yourself into and what to expect from that sort of encounter. Most of the people in a British dogger’s site are often just after a good time. Try to read the member’s wall page and description of himself first. This will give you an idea of the person’s character. Who knows, you just might find your ideal mate for life in this wild sex site. You won’t be the first one to find love in sites for British doggers.

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It is human nature that we always try to find something that can take us away from all things that bore us. It could either be due to a stagnant lifestyle, a relationship that is losing its spark or some animosity with your boss from work. Whatever the case, life will always throw us lemons, and sometimes those lemons might hit us in the face. But, we have no choice other than to take these lemons that life has flung at us and turn them into sweet lemonade. Now you might be a bit confused with all of these flowery words, but what I’m trying to say here is that there is always something exciting for us to do in life. For starters, you can try visiting a dogging site and read some swinger personals in order to set yourself up for one hot date.

dogging site - dogging date in the park

In the past, a dogging website may have seemed as something that was out of the ordinary, but due to the emergence of modern technology, it has now been made possible. Most people are typically shy when it comes to entering these kinds of sites because they are not what you would deem as acceptable by today’s social norms. However, since most of them can be found on the internet it is rather safe to assume that you can act a bit discreetly around here. You do not have to worry about your close friends finding about your little adventures because these sites protect your privacy. The only ones that will be able to see your info are the other members. Well unless you opt to set your privacy settings to be a bit more visible then you should have nothing to worry about.

Smiling fisherman catching a fish

Snagging a date for yourself from a dogging website is like trying to catch a small fish in a tank full of sharks. You will be able to find someone who will make your jaw drop to the floor, but the only catch is that you are not going to be alone. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of members who will try to catch the same fish you have set your eyes on. So if you want to be the first in line then you are going to have to be quick because the other members will not lay down for you.

Once you have managed to ensnare your potential prospect from the dogging site be sure not to blow your chance. Begin by establishing some rapport with your chosen prospect and agree to exchange contact information. If you happen to live close to each other then this usually means exchanging phone numbers. But, if you two are far away from each other then your e-mail addresses will do. Always remember to communicate with him/her on a daily basis. Try to light a spark between the two of you so that your prospect will grow to accept you more. Once your relationship becomes rock solid then that is when you can go out for one wild date.

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Car Park Dogging 101

by Dogging Tips

What is car park dogging anyway? Basically, it’s like exhibitionism. You have intimate relations with someone in a discreet place like in the backseat of your car, in the woods and anywhere wild and primitive. So who are those people who are interested in Dogging? If you are after extreme sex and heightened sexual experiences, […]

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