What is car park dogging anyway? Basically, it’s like exhibitionism. You have intimate relations with someone in a discreet place like in the backseat of your car, in the woods and anywhere wild and primitive.
So who are those people who are interested in Dogging? If you are after extreme sex and heightened sexual experiences, you should definitely try dogging. Of course, before you try it, you should know car park dogging 101.
It’s important to have some manners when looking for people willing for a car park dogging. It’s easier to find others who are interested at night. Just go to a park and check out cars with people in them. Approach the driver’s side at all times. Don’t creep up to avoid startling anyone. Giving someone a fright is never sexy even in car park dogging. Talk to the driver. Thing is, if the driver likes you enough, she will lower down her windows as invitation. This can be a bit tedious for some doggers though. That’s why I suggest check out UK dogging sites.
Online car park dogging websites are great ways to meet other doggers in your area. You can also view others in action to turn you on. There are some heated scenes you’ll just love. Dogging will give you the right dose of excitement, fantasy and depravity you need. What other doggers around the world love about online sites it they can get ideas from forums and chats in the site. Think about it, you have the whole world in just the tips of your fingertips. You have more choices and selections of whom to chat with or meet up with.
When you do decide to meet up with someone from the dogger websites for a car park dogging. It’s important to always be prepared. Bring a pack of condoms with you and tell someone about whom you’re meeting up with, where you are going to meet and what time you’ll likely be home. These are precautionary methods just in case you meet up with a creep that’s a little on the sadistic side. The condom is a must. While contraceptive pills and shots help prevent unwanted pregnancies, they don’t really protect you from AIDS and other STDs. Practice safe dogging and have a blast! Yes, dogging is extreme but you can always play it cool and safe by keeping your head on the game. Never allow full sex or sex with penetration without a condom on.
Make your car park dogging even more exciting by wearing leather lingerie or bringing props with you. Make sure your cloths are easy to remove too. You don’t want to fumble with a jammed zipper when you’re ready for some action. For ladies, Skirts are a must. You even skip out on the underwear altogether. You don’t need one anyway. Glow in the dark sex toys are fun to play around with too. Go ahead, have fun! Car park dogging is exciting and stimulating. The fear of getting caught will surely arouse you if not worry you.
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